Upcoming & Recent Lectures
“Book Discussion: Waiting for Dignity: Legitimacy and Authority in Afghanistan”, Georgetown University, 15th December 2022.
“Book Discussion: Waiting for Dignity: Legitimacy and Authority in Afghanistan”, Universität Bremen, 23rd November 2022.
“Wie weiter in Afghanistan?”, Europäische Akademie, 22nd September 2022.
“Book Launch: The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling”, ABORNE / OECD, Paris, 20th September 2022.
“A new theocracy born? Assessing Taliban governance in Afghanistan”, Eurasia aflame – Geopolitical Implications of the Ukraine crisis and the fall of Kabul for the region at large, Kreisky Forum, Vienna, 9th-10th June 2022.
“Die Taliban”, Bundeswehr Seminar: Wie weiter in Afghanistan? Die Lehren aus dem Afghanistaneinsatz, Europäische Akademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 15th March 2022.
“Governance and Legitimacy in Afghanistan”, Dublin City University, 22nd September 2021.
“Rebel Governance & Legitimization in Afghanistan”, University of Nijmegen, 3rd December 2020.
“From Violence to Security? Afghanistan 2020”, University of Sussex, 30th November 2020.
Academic Year 2019/2020, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Department of International Development
DV434 – Human Security (with Prof Mary Kaldor and Dr Iavor Rangelov)
This inter-disciplinary course will introduce students to the concept of human security. Human security refers to the security of individuals and communities as opposed to the security of the state. It combines physical security and material security; freedom from fear and freedom from want. The course will introduce students to the debates about the concept and its relevance in the contemporary era. It will combine political, military, legal and economic approaches to human security implementation.
This course is available on the MSc in African Development, MSc in Conflict Studies, MSc in Development Management, MSc in Development Studies, MSc in Global Politics, MSc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies, MSc in International Migration and Public Policy, MSc in Social Research Methods and MSc in Women, Peace and Security.